Loss Prevention Consulting: Protect Your Bottom Line in Charlotte, NC
Piedmont Protective Services offers you the best in corporate security solutions, and one of the biggest problems being tackled by corporate security in recent years is loss prevention. In the modern digital world, there are entirely new concerns involved in preventing internal theft and espionage, which amount to a multi-billion-dollar problem on the national level. Individually, some companies lose millions of dollars per year to various forms of theft, fraud, and embezzlement. This kind of loss affects a company on multiple levels: beyond the obvious financial concern, it results in discomfort and awkwardness in the work environment, and it drives up prices for your consumers. Piedmont Protective Services, working hand-in-hand with our sister companies, offers affordable security solutions to help reduce loss prevention – and protect your bottom line, while supporting a friendly and non-hostile work environment.
- We will provide you with a full security assessment of your business. Our investigative staff are trained to analyze existing security measures, and to point out loopholes that less specialized personnel might have missed. We offer the services of specialists who can draw on prior experience from within your industry or service niche. We offer a variety of security solutions, catering to both traditional security concerns and digital security. Piedmont Protective Services has every angle covered, and we provide most of our services directly: keeping things in-house helps to minimize your security exposure, while also keeping our services affordable.
- We offer a tiered, thorough, and easily comprehensible loss prevention plan. A big part of corporate loss prevention is the education and training of your employees. Your staff needs to understand how corporate losses affect them – their work environment, their compensation, their job security. They need to know what they can do to help ensure that loss prevention is reduced or eliminated, so that solutions are being implemented at every level of your corporate infrastructure. Attitude is a big part of things; if there is a strong sentiment against theft from within your staff, people will tend to think twice before considering such an action.
- Piedmont Protective Services works with Piedmont Private Investigations on loss prevention. Where loss prevention is occurring, and is potentially internal, PPS will partner with our sister company to provide highly trained, experienced, and effective personnel for an active internal investigation. We will unobtrusively pursue the source of any ongoing, inexplicable losses until we’ve determined who is at fault. Our operations are transparent to you, the employer, and all information will be turned over on an ongoing basis.
- “Spot cleaning.” Maybe your company doesn’t have a major security problem or ongoing “across the board” loss prevention concern? In such instances, we can offer focused assistance with particular areas which you may wish to address – such as specific areas within your corporate niche where loss prevention is a recurring concern industry-wide, but where you yourself have yet to notice a problem.
Call (704) 548-2728 today to speak with a Protective Services Coordinator. Get the best solutions for your corporate security needs. You may also use our convenient online form to request further information, whereupon a qualified PSC will get back to you as soon as possible. For maximum convenience, we offer a live chat function for a rapid response during office hours.